Regulate the whole body and dantian qi.

全身调气 丹田调气视频

The video of Regulating the whole body and dan tian qi given by Dr Pang:


视频语言英文版 (2021.05.05)

The English version of  the video language:

Regulate the whole body qi and dantian qi.

Now we build up a qi field and regulate [ˈregjuleɪt] qi and illness

The top of the head Baihui is suspended, Tuck the chin in, Relax the center of the forehead, have a smile on the face.

Relax both shoulders, lead the body to relaxation

Relax the head, relax the chest and the back, relax the waist and the hips, relax the legs, relax the whole body.

Become quiet,quiet, quiet, quiet.

Now send qi to the head, the head, inside the head, the brain and the cerebellum [ˌserəˈbeləm], qi is abundant and flows well, the illness disappears, the function of the nervous system is normal, 神经支配the innervation [ˌɪnɜ:’veɪʃən] function of the whole body is normal.

Now send qi to the eyes, the eyes genuine [ˈdʒenjuɪn] qi is abundant, the eye illness disappears, the vision of the eyes is normal.

Now send qi to the nose, the nose qi is abundant, the nose is unobstructed  [‘ʌnəb’strʌktɪd], the nose illness disappears, the function of the nose is normal.

Now send qi to the mouth, the mouth, the teeth, the tongue [tʌŋ], the throat,and the meridian. The qi and the blood are unobstructed, the qi is abundant, the illness disappears, the function is normal.

Now send qi to the ears, the ears genuine qi is abundant,the ear illness disappears, the hearing is normal.

Now send qi to the neck, the neck, the thyroid  [ˈθaɪrɔɪd], and the lymph [lɪmf] . The qi is abundant and flows well, the illness disappears, the function is normal.

Now send qi to the back and the spine, the back, the whole spine included the cervical [ˈsɜ:vɪkl] vertebrae [‘vɜ:tɪbri:], the thoracic  [θɔ:’ræsɪk] vertebrae,the lumbar  [ˈlʌmbə(r)]vertebrae, and the sacral  [‘seɪkrəl] vertebrae. The whole qi and blood is abundant and flows well, the pain disappears, the spine movements are flexible,the function is normal.

Now send qi to the chest and the breast, in the chest, and the breast, qi and blood is flowing well. Qi is abundant, the illness disappears, the function is normal.

Now send qi to the lungs, the lungs genuine qi is abundant, the lung illness, the气管tracheal  [‘treɪkɪəl] illness, the whole chest illness, disappears, the function of the lungs are normal.

Now send qi to the heart, the heart and the blood vessels, qi and blood is abundant and flows well, the heart illness, the blood vessel illness disappears, the functions of the heart and the blood vessels are normal.

Now send qi to the stomach, the stomach qi is abundant, the stomach illness disappears, the function of the stomach is  normal and becomes stronger.

Now send qi to the small intestines and the large intestines. In the small intestines and the large intestines, qi and blood are  flowing well, the illness disappears, the digestive [daɪˈdʒestɪv] function and the absorptive  [əb’sɔ:ptɪv] function  of the intestines are normal and become stronger.

Now send qi to the liver and the gallbladder [ˈgɔlˌblædər]. In the liver and the gallbladder, qi and blood is flowing well, the liver illness, the gallbladder illness, disappears, the stone is going to be fragmented [fræɡˈmentɪd] and discharged [dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒd], the functions of the liver and the gallbladder are normal.

Now send qi to the pancreas, the pancreas is behind the stomach, the pancreas qi and blood are flowing well, the function of the pancreas is normal, when the function of the pancreas is normal, the diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbi:ti:z]  is cured.

Now send qi to the kidneys, the two kidneys hun yuan qi is abundant, the kidney illness disappears, the kidney stone is fragmented and discharged, the function of the kidneys are normal.

Now send qi to the bladder,the bladder’s genuine qi is abundant, the bladder illness disappears, the function of the bladder is normal.

Now send qi to the 妇科gynecological [ˌgaɪnəkəˈlɑdʒɪkəl] organs. In the子宫uterus [ˈju:tərəs] , 输卵管the fallopian [fəˈloʊpiən] tubes and the卵巢ovaries [ˈoʊvəriz], qi and blood are  flowing well and the qi is abundant, the illness disappears, the function is normal.

Now send qi to the尿道urethra [jʊˈri:θrə], the前列腺prostate and the睾丸testis, qi and blood is abundant and flows well, the illness disappears, the function is normal.

Now send qi to the four limbs  [lɪmz], first send qi to the upper limbs, the两侧的bilateral  [ˌbaɪˈlætərəl] shoulder joints, the two arms, the two elbow joints, the wrists, the hands, and the whole upper limbs. Qi and blood are flowing well, the joints are flexible, the pain disappears, the function is normal. Everyone can move the upper limbs, and see their illness is becoming better and better, the pain has become less. Now send qi to the lower limbs, the bilateral hip joints, the bilateral thighs, the knee joints, the legs, the ankles, the feet, and the whole lower limbs. The qi and blood are flowing well and the qi is abundant, the pain disappears, the joints are flexible, the function is normal. Now Everyone move the lower limbs, and see that the pain has become less, the illness disappears.

Now regulate the qi of the whole body, now, first send qi to the lower dan tian, behind the navel, send qi to inside, the lower dan tian qi is abundant, the dantian qi is abundant, when the qi is abundant, it can flow to the whole body, now send qi to the middle dan tian, inside the心口 precordium [‘pri:’kɔ:djəm], around the hun yuan palace, above the hun yuan palace, send qi to the middle dan tian, the middle dan tian qi is abundant, the hun yuan palace qi is abundant, when the middle dan tian qi is abundant, it can help the qi of five organs genuine qi abundant, the function of the five organs is becoming stronger, the physical body is more healthy.

Now send qi to the upper dan tian, behind the middle of the two eyebrows, in the center of the brain, the upper dan tian qi is abundant, abundant, when the upper dan tian qi is abundant, the function of the spirit is stronger, the神经支配innervation function of the whole body is becoming stronger, inside the upper dan tian is the spirit, the spirit can lead the whole life activity, the functions of our whole body – all the parts, tissues and organs are all well regulated.

Now everyone’s whole body qi is more abundant. Now lead everyone’s qi to expand to the outside and draw the qi back to the inside of your body, connect the own qi with the external qi, expand the inner qi to the outside, the whole body qi  expands totally to the outside, and connects to the external qi, then draw the external qi back to the inside of your body, draw qi back from the qi field to your body. Now everyone can draw back the qi into the middle dan tian.

One more time, expand the inner qi to the outside, when the inner qi expands to the outside, it connects with the external qi, and you can get the primary state of human being and the universe merging into one, draw the external qi back to your body, draw qi back from the qi field around us into yourself, fill up your body. Qi becomes more abundant, the physical body becomes more healthy. One more time, expand the inner qi to the outside, expand, draw the external qi back to your body, draw it back to the middle of your body.